On my last post, which was also my first, I stated : "... many foods supply us with what the doctors and nutritionists tell us are important antioxidants that fight disease by eradicating free radicals in our bodies. But what does this really mean, and is food the best natural source of antioxidants?" Let's tackle the the first part of the question as to the internal ongoing war of antioxidants against free radicals within our bodies. Where do the free radical's come from and what are they?
Without going into a chemistry session, and keeping it so I can understand, it is simply that free radicals, or let's just say "radicals", are molecules that have a missing electron and really, really want to replace it with any other electron it can successfully capture from any other molecule nearby. This molecule then becomes radical itself, wanting to steal an electron from any other molecule as quickly as possible. Radicals really want to be more stable, bless their little hearts. Radical molecules are part of the normal balancing act of the body, being useful in several bodily systems and processes. But sometimes this balancing act becomes, well, unbalanced, and there are just too many radicals around. That's where real cell damage can occur unless, guess what? A knight in shining armor appears and neutralizes all of the unnecessary radicals! This knight is our good friend, the Antioxidant (AO)! He is called "Anti" oxidant because oxygen, so necessary for life, believe it or not, is one of the main radical forming molecules. Why? Its electron bond is weak, allowing one of its electrons to be easily taken by a radical. AO steps in and says, "Hey Rad, here's my electron. Leave my darling Oxy alone!" AO thinks having one electron is cool and totally acceptable.
As we get older, radicals accumulate because we just haven't taken very good care of ourselves as we've matured. Too many hours in front of the TV, too much partying, too many rich foods, too much smoking, too much of everything, so those pesky radicals have a party of their own in our bodies. This overpopulation of radicals will make us sick, becoming a catalyst to all kinds of diseases. Naturally occurring antioxidants are so outnumbered they are no longer effective. So somehow we must supplement their numbers to be healthier.
Vitamins C and E and beta-carotene are the main antioxidants that willingly give up one of their electrons to turn radicals into helpless little molecules that wouldn't harm a flea. The best way to replenish stores of antioxidants is to eat enough of the right kinds of food that give us these nutrients. It that too much to ask? Apparently, because so many of us are sick. If we just can't possibly consume enough food (5 servings of fruit or vegetables daily) to get the necessary levels of these nutrients, we should take supplements. But lets not overdo it like we are want to do. Remember too much of anything is usually not the right path. Stick with the recommended daily allowance (RDA) that is on the label, or that your primary healthcare provider might recommend. RDA can be adjusted with the proper knowledge to address certain concerns for a period of time.
Now, the next post I'll focus discussion on the benefits of taking certain herbs to help replenish antioxidants in the body. Herbs have been shown to have wonderful antioxidant capabilities. Until then, keep your knight's armor shiny by eating plenty of fresh fruits, veggies and an overall balanced whole foods diet. Now, if I could just follow my own advice...
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